Coffee and words, almost.

Another Saturday. Another cup of coffee. Perfect.

It's oddly quiet around our house this particular Saturday, as our daughters are away with family enjoying their roots and making memories. I love that for them, but it is an oddly quietness that takes me a day or two to adjust to. Alas, more reading, writing and coffee. I guess a good benefit to me and the mrs being a solo duo for a short stretch is date night. Tonight, we live as the young and venture downtown to a concert - The Neighbourhood. If you know, you know. They're a good band.

So it goes. (I've been in a Vonnegut state of mind as of late.)

Here's what seems interesting this quiet Saturday morning:

Because it's important to know your history, folks.

Here's a book review written by a friend of ours. Her review gives good preview of what looks to be an interesting read on gender roles. The book is written by a freshman author, no less.

While perusing the online magazine, I stumbled across this article on the effects of sexualizing children.  Along with other questions she poses here, I'm particularly wrestling with Becker in regard to this one:  What would it look like for the church to care for transgender people—whose rates of depression and violence indicate that they have been beaten up along the way—in the same manner that the Samaritan cared for the man by the side of the road?

Oh, and hallelujah to this news! 

And lastly, with a short couple days of vacation looming, I'm feeling like this.

Here's to you, friends. Take to Saturday with adventurous abandon!


coffee and words, almost.

Happy 5th of July!! Hopefully you enjoyed the company of friends, warmth of sun and good ol' freedom. Our home filled with faces we're growing to love more and more each day. Each with a story that both intrigues me and encourages me closer to Christ; each in their own way. The grill filled us and the pool cooled us - I am thoroughly thankful for days as these. More so, for the faces and hearts these days are spent with.

Here are a few reads I hope you enjoy with your second or third cup of dark glory: